Search Results
We found 36 results that match your search for Thailand. Coffees are listed in reverse chronological order by review date. Older reviews may no longer accurately reflect current versions of the same coffee.
Review Date: January 2015
Price: THB $200/250 grams
Evaluated as espresso. Smooth, balanced. Caramel, roasted cacao-nib, honeysuckle-like flowers, apricot, star anise in aroma and small cup. Smooth, lightly syrupy mouthfeel; quiet, very sweet finish. In three parts milk a gently caramelly chocolate dominates, with hints of star anise and apricot.
Review Date: January 2015
Price: THB $200/250 grams
Evaluated as espresso. Rich, round, balanced; quietly chocolate- and fruit-toned. Cherry, blood orange, dark chocolate, fresh-cut cedar, lily-like flowers in aroma and small cup. Silky, lively mouthfeel; distinct chocolate carries into a rich though drying finish. A crisply dry, minty chocolate dominates in three parts milk.
Review Date: January 2015
Price: THB $200/250 grams
Sweet, rich, slightly earthy. Brown sugar, orangy citrus, fresh-cut cedar, bakers’ chocolate, a hint of fresh, humus-like earth in aroma and cup. Round, gently lively acidity; very lightly syrupy mouthfeel. Flavor consolidates in a rather short finish.
Review Date: December 2014
Price: TWD $500/8 ounces
Delicately complex, sweet-toned, balanced. Almond, roasted cacao-nib, sweet lime, honeysuckle-like flowers in aroma and cup. Gently crisp, nuanced acidity; buoyant, lightly syrupy mouthfeel. Most flavor notes carry into a long, sweet-toned finish.
Review Date: October 2014
Price: US $15.00/8 ounces
Lightly rich, delicately complex. Prominent pear-like fruit notes, roasted cacao nib, hazelnut and a hint of butterscotch in aroma and cup. Rich, balanced acidity; lightly syrupy, lively mouthfeel. Hazelnut and the butterscotch hint carry into a sweet-toned, gently drying finish.
Review Date: November 2013
Price: THB $600/1 kilogram
Evaluated as espresso. Sweetly pungent. Fresh-cut cedar, roasted cacao nib, orange zest, rich prune in aroma and, more pronounced, in the small cup. Crisp but rather heavy mouthfeel; flavor consolidates though persists in the finish. Quietly but resonantly pungent in three parts milk.
Review Date: June 2013
Price: THB $600/1 kilogram
Delicately sweet roast-influenced profile. Mildly scorched cedar, raisin, hints of dark chocolate and cardamom in aroma and cup. Backgrounded, roast-rounded acidity; very lightly syrupy mouthfeel. Clean- and sweet-finishing with a continuing hint of chocolate.
Review Date: March 2013
Price: THB $200/250 grams
Pungently roasty, crisp. Lightly scorched cedar, dark chocolate, vanilla, brown sugar, a hint of lime zest in aroma and cup. Roast-muted acidity; smooth, lightly syrupy mouthfeel. Flavor consolidates in a sweet, mildly drying finish.
Review Date: February 2013
Price: CAD $55.00/50 g.
Originally cupped in November 2010. Balanced, smoothly complete coffee: the raisiny fruit and cedary dark chocolate in the aroma sweetens toward fresh cherry and milk chocolate in the cup, with a tart complication of lemon. Sweetly tart, citrus-toned acidity; very smooth, silky mouthfeel. Flavor simplifies a bit in the clean finish.
Review Date: February 2013
Price: THB $250/250 grams
Evaluated as espresso. Sweet-toned aroma: Banana, crème de menthe, dark chocolate, ripe plum. In the small cup creamy mouthfeel with rich depth and balance; the chocolate turns caramelly and the fruit richer and sweeter, complicated by a hint of anise. Flavor persists in a resonant finish. Excellent flavor in two parts milk: dark chocolate, plum, mint.
Review Date: December 2012
Price: CAD $15.99/16 ounces
Delicately rich, crisply sweet-toned. Orange-like citrus, fresh-cut fir, dark chocolate, a hint of baking spice in aroma and cup. Balanced acidity; lightly syrupy mouthfeel. Chocolate persists in a rich, mildly dry finish.
Review Date: December 2012
Price: CAD $15.99/16 ounces
Delicate, crisp, slightly roasty. Balanced aroma and cup: dark chocolate, fir, raisin, zesty tangerine, with a slight hint of savory baking spice. Bright acidity with a drying edge; silky mouthfeel. Flavor carries into a dry finish.
Review Date: July 2012
Price: $5.03/8 ounces
Quiet, softly balanced. Fresh-cut fir, honey, hints of chocolate and tart fruit in aroma and cup. Gently brisk acidity; lightly syrupy mouthfeel. Rich, savory-sweet finish.
Review Date: June 2012
Price: THB $150/250 grams
Evaluated as espresso. A rather muted smoky chocolate and cedar in the aroma blossom in the small cup, turning deep, complex, and sweetly pungent. The mouthfeel is impressively full and buttery; the finish round and cocoaish with a slight smoky, savory suggestion in the long. The chocolate turns delicate and buttery in two parts milk.
Review Date: March 2012
Price: Not available.
Evaluated as espresso. In the small cup rich and deep with dry, brandyish fruit notes: blackberry, lime, green grape, with anchoring hints of fir and baker’s chocolate. Syrupy mouthfeel. The chocolate and citrus notes round and deepen in a long, resonant finish. Both persist in two parts milk, but remain reticent, failing to round and bloom under the impact of the diary.
Review Date: October 2011
Price: THB $600/250 grams
Evaluated as espresso. Sweet-toned and deep. Raisin-toned chocolate and a hint of flowers in the aroma. Syrupy mouthfeel in the small cup; the chocolate turns crisp and cedar-toned, and the fruit plumps out to apricot and melon. In two parts milk rich, bittersweet chocolate and continued apricot-like fruit.
Review Date: October 2011
Price: THB $200/250 grams
Evaluated as espresso. Sweet-toned aroma: chocolate, nut, cherry. In the small cup buttery mouthfeel with excellent depth and balance; the chocolate turns caramelly and the fruit toward a zesty orange, both supported by a pungent cedar. In the finish good flavor persistence but slightly bitterish. Maintains flavor with authority in two parts milk: rich, pungent, with hints of continued orange, cedar and chocolate.
Review Date: July 2011
Price: $10.00/16 ounces
Roasted nut and a rich, pruny dark chocolate dominates in aroma and cup. Soft but resonant acidity, silky mouthfeel. Flavor fades a bit in the finish, but generally the cup sweetens and deepens as it cools, a good sign.
Review Date: June 2011
Price: CAD $15.99/16 ounces
Quiet, sweetly smooth. Nut, raisin, hints of fir and flowers in aroma and cup. Softly balanced acidity, lightly syrupy mouthfeel. Round, sweet-toned finish.
Review Date: February 2011
Price: CAD $15.99/16 ounces
Gently balanced, silky coffee. Flowers, fir, orangy fruit in the aroma. Soft acidity, lightly syrupy mouthfeel. Cocoa-toned fir, dark chocolate, raisin in the cup. Simple, sweet finish.